Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hoi An - Vietnam - 18-23 April 2010

Rode our bikes to the beach, only a 3km ride but it was a head wind so hard work. The weather turned quite wintry and watching the waves while drinking beer at a beach side restaurant was quite entertaining. Patricia was being entertained by a hawker trying to sell their wares - at escalated prices as always......

The sister of the tailor where Patricia had a dress made in Hoi An. She got to entertain us heaps while waiting for the last minute adjustments to be made to the dress.

The bike ride in the village on the island. Riding along very narrow paths between crops...

On the island, Robert assisted the ladies with thrashing the rice in the machine. They wanted him to have a go but he wasn't very good at it. He brought a smile to their faces in what was most likely for them another back breaking day in the field. Their laughter could be heard from afar. They even offered him a drink from their esky which he declined but it's good to know they look after themselves in such hot conditions.

Photo of the inside of the first hotel we stayed at. It was beautiful and had the best breakfast but the room wasn't very nice, so we shifted.

Across from 'our restaurant', a lady asleep at lunch time. That evening we bought some peanuts and ginger from a hawker and it turned out to be the same lady. In the morning, Robert had helped some restaurant owners unload ice from a boat, and she also turned out to be the sister of the restaurant owner. Suppose Hoi An's a small place and the people are so friendly. We think this is a pretty good photo. She liked it when she saw it too.....

The nice ladies that ripped Patricia off. Charged her 40,000 dom for 6 bananas. But they smiled a lot - no wonder - so got their photo taken.

As usual, we have found our favourite restaurant which just has the best food. Tried some others but we keep coming back. We did cooking lessons with them. The owner is a trained chef. We learnt how to cook spring rolls, water spinach with garlic and onions and a pork steamboat. So watch out, you may get steam boat next time you come to visit back in Adelaide....

The other feature is beer on keg. They call it Fresh Beer and it's 4000 Dom which is about 20cents a mug. Many restaurants in Hoi An have it also.

There are several islands in the area including a fishing village. There are several ferries which take locals back and forth for a small fee. There is a bridge but it's a lot further away. The girls in white are the senior school girls. Dressed in white silk. They look beautiful and some how manage to stay so clean. We took the ferry to the island with our bikes and rode for miles. It was very hot but we got to see village life close up.

Went on an hour river cruise, just us and the driver. Robert got to take the wheel for a short time, and nearly managed to clean up a fishing net rig. The driver took back over promptly with a big smile..... it was a great way to see the area and watch fishermen at work. The lady in the boat had dropped off produce at the produce market and was on her way home.

Robert with Andrew, the son of one of the stall holders who took a fancy to Robert. As usual he is the pied piper with most children. But he didn't buy the hat, thank goodness......

Views from the bridge to our hotel. At night the river is all lit up. We overlook the river from the restaurant at the An Hoi Hotel.

Patricia on the sleeper bus with a big smile. She hates normal buses especially overnight....

Stayed at the Thanh Van Hotel for 1 night and then shifted to the Ann Hoi Hotel which was recommended by someone along the way and it's been a good move. It's on an island with a little bridge which connects with the Old City. Now the old city is just great. It's being preserved well and is full of interesting shops, museums, restaurants, old dwellings being kept in their original state. A problem for the locals is that the whole city floods just about every year to varying heights, up to 2.7m high. Loving our stay here and will be leaving on Saturday to go to Hue, our last stop before flying back to Saigon and then to Bangkok.

Arrived in Hoi An. The sleeper bus was fantastic. You actually get to lie down horizontal. Patricia slept so well, lulled to sleep by the continual rocking motion. Robert not so good as he was on the bottom bunk and the road was pretty rough at times which is pretty normal for Vietnam. He finished up with a headache. Next time will make sure he is on top.
Well we are on our way to Hoi An leaving at 7pm, hopefully on a sleeper bus, fingers crossed. They look fantastic with beds that lay right back. We will be travelling all night arriving at 6.30am Monday morning. We have booked into the Thanh Van Hotel 1.


  1. You are taking some fantastic photographs - they will be wonderful to look back on when you get home, when will that be? Sorry to hear about your laptop, hope its not serious. Looks like you are meeting some interesting people and visiting beautiful countryside. I liked the idea of the mud bath, but wondered if you could still hear after the gong experience! lol Keep the postings going, great to hear from you.

  2. Thanks Barbara for the post. Unfortunately all our photos up to Da Lat are on our laptop (we didn't back up!!!!) and we are hoping the hard drive can be saved. The gong was great. It vviiiiiibbbbrrrrated a lot.

  3. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time in Vietnam.... Making us look forward to our trip to Vietnam even more.. Sad about your pic's.. I know the feeling well (Hawii 2007) lost hundreds.. do hope you can retrieve later.. Love the sexy legs under the gong.. bet the legs faired better than the ears though.LOL Take care see you soon. love sheila and noel.

  4. Hi Sheila and Noel
    You will love Vietnam. It's just great. And you have to stay at the An Hoi Hotel. It's a gem and budget too. Only prob in Hoi An right now is they have power restrictions and every 4th day the power is cut to different sections. Hotel has a generator so you get everything except aircon. Pool helps here. Off to Hue today by bus, sleeper again and brand new one apparently. Day time but oh well. A morning nap will be good.
    Love to everyone
    See you soon P and R xxxxxxxxx
