Friday, April 2, 2010

Battambang Cambodia

We leave for Phnon Penh tomorrow on the bus - the VIP one this time. We will be staying at the Trasak Pac-Em Hotel.

We are staying the Siem Hout Hotel in Battambang. Battambang is very different to Siem Reap. Poverty is very evident. It is not a tourist town but we are glad we have visited. We went out at 8pm last night to get something to eat and there wasn't much to choose from so came back to the Hotel Restaurant which proved to be a good choice.

We arrived here from Siem Reap on the bus. We were the only tourists on board and had the best seats at the front. We love it when people who are learning english come and speak to us. It's great. They are a wonderful people.

This photo is a staircase that can be seen from our room in the hotel.

Robert and Patricia on the Bamboo Train. Hey this was fun. It's used by the locals to transport produce between villages. They make good income from giving tourists a ride, 14 km to the next village and back. It was an interesting experience. When you meet a train coming the other way, one has to dismount and allow the other one to pass. We only had to do this one. The second photo shows it being put back together. This would not win any awards in Australia for OHSW protocol but it was fun.

We were told today that the bamboo train is to be terminated. An Australian company if rebuilding the railway line after they have cleared the land mines....... Eechhhh - glad we didn't see any of those.

We visited this Rice Paper making business in a local village.

The street where our hotel is located.
We went to a temple just out of Battambang but realised we were just templed out. And it wasn't a patch on Angkor temples.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there.. glad you are having a good time.. keep the blogs coming. Have had trouble getting through. prob. because I couldnt remember my blog name....
