Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cambodia - Siem Reap - Week 4

Photos from Ankgor Temples

The Cultural show at an orphanage in Siem Reap. A very rewarding experience!!

The journey by bus from Kanchanapuri to Cambodia was an interesting exercise. The bus service was horrific. The bus left us in the middle of a busy road in Bangkok in early morning traffic and pointed towards a Police Station that we couldn’t see from that point and said the bus would pick us up there. We had traffic going both sides of us and managed to get across the road safely. It was obviously too much effort to take us to the pick up point.

The demonstrations by the reds was still going on but it didn't affect us too much except they said the traffic was much slower than normal. Made for interesting sight seeing.

Then we got to witness corruption on both sides (Thailand and Cambodia) at the border crossing. The visa scam at the border (taking us to another location) and the ATMs at the border where we were told to take money out in Thai baht and convert it to Reil the Cambodia currency. When we arrived in Siem Reap everything was priced in US dollar.

We arrived, to the most disgusting hotel in Siem Reap you could imagine. We arranged accommodation at another hotel and they picked us up by tuk tuk at 10am the next morning. We slept in the bed but didn’t shower until we reached our new hotel. Anyway enough negatives. But we did feel pretty silly for being taken for a ride and not researching enough before we travelled.

From here on the fun started. The new Hotel Ta Som is excellent, the staff very friendly and helpful and they have gone out of their way to please. $15 US for aircon and hot water and a clean room, serviced daily.

We visited the Angkor temples over 3 days and they are just so beautiful and amazing and awe inspiring. We had a tuk tuk driver and a guide for both days and it was fantastic. Very hot. Day 1, 3 we checked out all the local attractions, Day 2, 4 and 5 the temples.

Future plans - We leave on Thursday 1 April for Battamburg for 2 nights and then Phon Phen for 2 nights and then on to Vietnam (no more border crossing dilemmas hopefully as we have arranged our visa in advance!!!) Hotel in Battamburg not confirmed yet.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 3 - Koh Phangan and River Kwai

We caught the train from Surat Thani to Bangkok and then a bus to Kanchanapuri. Left Koh Phangan at 11.30 am on Monday and arrived Kanchanapuri on Tuesday at 11am, so 24 hours travelling. The sleeper bunks on the train were the only 2 left and so we were not together, but in the same carriage. We thought we would have airconditioning but no, fresh air was it and fans to circulate it. But the upper bunks of course had no air flow so it was very hot. We both had a very disturbed sleep. Patricia woke dreaming that there was an earthquake and the building was shaking which was very understandable.The train we caught was the slow one. It kept stopping all night to let the express trains through. We have learnt that you cannot book a train at the last minute.

We arrived at Sam’s Rafthouse - a rafthouse on the River Kwai. We are right on the water with a balcony over the river. It’s lovely. When a boat goes by it feels just like we are on a boat.

Today Wednesday - Robert’s birthday - we went on a tour which included the Erawan Waterfalls which had seven levels and it was superb. It had those little fish that nibble you but some of them weren’t so little. We were so hot that we didn’t care. Patricia managed to slip on a rock and fall in the water shoes and all. Good way to cool down. The other highlights of the day were riding an elephant on land and the river, bamboo rafting down the River Kwai, the Krasae Cave with a golden buddha and the wooden viaduct built by WW2 prisoners. We then went on the Death Railway and saw the Bridge over the River Kwai. It was very sobering to be there imagining the suffering that happened there in the past.

Robert at the Bridge over the River Kwai

Taken from the Death Railway Train. Monks sitting in the jungle. We were told that Buddhists believe there are still souls who haven't passed over.

Us on the elephant

Erawan Waterfall

On Friday we leave Kanchanapuri on a mini bus back to Bangkok and then straight over the border to Siem Reap in Cambodia. We have an airconditioned bus booked for the trip. The bad bit is we are picked up at our hotel at 5.15am. Hmmm!!!!

We are staying at the Ta Som Guest House Seim Reap which is budget but comes with very good reviews and the staff are very friendly and helpful.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Week Two

Koh Tao and Koh Phangan - Beautiful Islands

Have booked the train back to Bangkok on Monday 22 March with a sleeper travelling at night. We have booked into Sam's Guesthouse in Kanchanaburi, about 100kms from Bangkok. The accommodation is on the River Kwai near the bridge. Not sure how long we will stay at the moment.

Some sights from around Koh Phangan and the bike we rented to see it.

the scooter - brand new one. It made the hills with both of us on it. We went to Haad Rin Nai beach which is very hilly and beautiful. Didn't have a chance to take any photos as we were on a time limit. Had to get the bike back.

Fishing is a very busy industry here. At night the sea is alight with fishing boats and their very bright lights.

Along the coast

Breakfast at the Bayview Resort - Robert in the distance

Arrived in Koh Phangan on Wednesday 17th March and have stayed 4 nights so far at the Haadyao Bayview Resort. This time not a bungalow on the beach but an airconditioned unit. Missing the bungalow but next time maybe.

Hired a motor bike to travel around Koh Tao - for 1 day. Photos below:

Sunset from bar, sitting in bean bags on the beach

Laneway on the other side of the island to where we were staying, Had dinner at seafood restaurant. This lane went for about 2 km with so many restaurants to chose from.

Beautiful view from a mountain top

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Travel to Turtle Island - Koh Tao

We have decided to move on. Tremain, Ked, Pat & Koy will travel north to Chang Mai and trek the jungles that we might do later. Patricia and I will travel south and island hop.

Waiting for the ferry to take us to Koh Tao after a night sleeping on the bus.

That afternoon Patricia and I set off for Bangkok by taxi to the train station. Unfortunately all the trains were full so we had to settle for an airconditioned coach, which left at 9pm and arrived at Chunpon at 5am.

We waited until 7am at the jetty for the first boat to the island of Koh Tao (turtle island). The trip took 2.5 hrs by fast speed boat. The harbour was beautiful with huts surrounding the rocky coast. There were people everywhere and many taxi ‘s, (some ones ) a ute that you sat in the back on bench seats.

We had a drink first and then set off for the other side of the island. Tremain had given us some directions of where he had spent some time.

Here is the cement walk which goes over the sea to access the bungalows.

It is very isolated. We are in a hut on the beach. It has a fan that is very slow. The first fan kept stopping so they replaced it, the shower toilet is basic but functionable. The bed is hard and lumpy but we slept well. There are holes in the floor boards but no fridge. The views are great.

To get to this place you reach the other side of the island, you either walk through other resorts or find this little path, turn right and walk to the end, then walk over a long white concrete path in the ocean through a restaurant. There you take your shoes off which is normal, then on the other side you walk through. The huts are right on the beach. A wonderful hide away. The ocean is crystal clear.

We had breakfast and dinner on the first day at a restaurant that is on the ocean. You just look down at the hundreds of fish swimming around. The water is so clear that the fish can see you throw your toast to them before it reaches the water!


Market then Cruise Boat Dinner

We just relaxed for the morning and in the afternoon we went to another market. Patricia bought a white scarf to go with a white dress that she had bought earlier.

We had dinner on a very impressive cruise boat. It catered for about 200 people and supplied a banquet. We ate too much as usual. The views of the city were impressive. That night six of us managed to fit into a small taxi to take us to the train station, plus the driver. The earlier taxi, the driver had to let us out as we were too heavy for his old car.


Massage and New Suits

We went for a Massage which is carried out by blind people. Later we went to pick up our suits. Mine was perfect. Tremain needed a small adjustment but Pat's was a problem. They just about had to remake his. Because we had a taxi van booked and waiting we headed back to Bangkok and Tremain and Pat followed by bus and got back about midnight. They were very tired.

We also had a foot massage - these little fish nibbling on our feet. It tickled to start with and then it just felt good. Robert followed this with reflexology. I am sure the lady was into torture in a past life. Unusual for Robert not to go to sleep while being massaged.


Relaxing Day and Alcazar show

We relaxed on the busy beach for most the day, and went for a suit fitting. Tremain and Pat went on a 6 hour fishing trip with Adul (Tremain’s friend). In the evening Patricia and I went off by ourselves shopping and ended up at a show called Alcazar. It is a she-man show and was incredible. It was very high class with beautiful costumes.



We left for Pattaya. We stayed at Sawade Place hotel for two days 800bth $27 per night. We arranged to buy suits from a tailor and had our fittings.

Picture of Patricia with Dae Moe at Sawade Place in the foyer.

That night we went for a meal in what I would call the night club area. The meal was great. It was a seafood restaurant overlooking the bay. We even scored a fireworks display on the other side of the bay while eating.

Tremain's friend Adul was out fishing so his wife came to the meal with us. The children in the front of the picture are Dae Moe, Kwan's daughter and Macc, Ged's son.



We went to Bangkok shopping for the day. Patricia shopped with the girls for clothes whilst I stayed with Tremain and Pat looking at electrical items. They saw a colour printer cartridge adapter that they believe they will import to Australia.


Leaving the Family and Dinner & Dance

We had a slow start and said goodbye to the family, and set off to Kak and Eh’s house in Bangkok. She has a beauty salon called “she” and lives above the shop. Four storey’s in all.

Patricia and I slept in an apartment of one of Kak’s friends and Pat and Koy in another apartment. They belong to University students who are currently on holiday. Tremain and Ked slept in Kak's apartment.

That night Eh took us all to dinner with a show and we ended up dancing in between the tables with the stage show people and others who just got up. We all had a good time and got home very late. A highlight of this night was the beer, a 1 metre high tower of beer surrounded by ice. By the end of the night it was very watery beer.


Pat and Koy's Wedding Day

The day of the wedding. We were up at 4am, an early start. A few things started off not quite right but hey! It’s a wedding...........

Koy was beautiful and Pat did his part well. Their formal wedding attire was superb.

There were 9 monks and a long ceremony. People came and went as they wished. You will see the video later. One thing different was the bride and groom gave the guests presents.

The reception was in a rented house in the village. The tables were arranged with white clothes and the chairs had covers with bows, but there was no head table. Pat and Koy circulated talking to everyone while the guests ate. The meal was superb with an unending array of dishes that just kept arriving.

The house where the reception was held and where we stayed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Travel Day

We arrived at Air Asia’s own airport in Malaysia. It was far from the KL airport that I have arrived at before. It was raining and warm. We got though luggage collection and customs and checked into the Bangkok connection with one minute to spare.

We arrived at Bangkok airport minus my bag. Patricia’s was ok though. We waited for the next airplane to arrive with my bag, a 2 hour wait.

Kak and Eh (Kak’s husband) were waiting for us at Bangkok airport and we set of to the village where Koy, Pat, Ked and family welcomed us well. On the way we had lunch at a Chinese Restaurant, the first of many very large meals. We have found that Thai people love to eat and they eat well.